Profitable pAUSE
Become profitable in your business by taking a much-needed pause.
Right Now, You’re Walking the Border Between Entrepreneur and CEO, and You’re Stuck…
You feel like you can’t trust anyone else to do the things that need to get done.
You’ve spent the past few years burning the candle at both ends, to make sure your targets are met and that you can get to the next month.
You’ve poured blood, sweat, and tears into building the system that you have in place right now.
If you're ready to develop a healthier relationship with your inner critic, contact me today.
And after all that struggle, you’re finally in a place where your revenue is consistently exceeding your expenses,
but there’s an issue…
Logically, you understand everything that needs to happen next. As a matter of fact, you’ve mapped it all out time and time again. So much that you could map out your next 3 steps if someone woke you out of a dead sleep with a bucket of ice water.
But you’re hesitating…
Despite your experience, preparation, and your income, you’re afraid. Afraid to make the wrong call. Afraid to delegate tasks. Afraid to take a moment, to breathe, and set yourself up for the next best move.
You need a moment. A pause.
As hard as it is to believe, your business is stable enough to let you take a moment to breathe.
And I can show you exactly what you need to do, to finally give yourself the freedom to take that moment, make the right call, and have the confidence to get things done.
If you keep falling victim to this sense of urgency, to the cycle of only ever stopping long enough to chug another cup of coffee before you go again—
You’ll never be able to enjoy your business.
Scary thought— I know, but it’s important that you start breaking that pattern now or you’ll stay stuck in it forever.
Never having the freedom to move forward, constantly hustling, never scaling, permanently stuck in “just enough”...
You Need to Pause and Take Stock of the Situation...
The Real Issue At Hand… When running a business… it’s easy to get caught in the trap of doing exactly that—
Always on the move, always solving a problem, never having a moment to stop and enjoy the abundance that you’ve created in your life.
Before now, that sense of urgency is what helped you shatter plateaus and get the results you’ve gotten so far.
That urgency has been your superpower, but if left unchecked, like all great power, it has the ability to destroy you energetically, mentally, and emotionally.
Especially if you’re already operating from an energetic and emotional deficit.
(Which… let’s be honest, you probably are…)
Often, this deficit can make you feel like you’re just not up to scratch as a leader, when that’s simply not the case.
Stop Listening to the Self-Doubt and Negative Self-Talk
Fundamentally, we’re all made up of a set of beliefs, some good and some bad. Those beliefs are what influence our moods, thoughts, and ultimately actions. They show up as the tiny voices in our heads.
The ones that are always there, criticizing, gnawing away, and draining our energy. But believe it or not, we can choose a different voice to listen to.
We can coach our voices from our worst enemies into our greatest allies…
Let’s do a little bit of exploration here.
Ask yourself a few questions...
What kind of voice do you want leading you?
What type of energy does the voice have?
How does it encourage you, show trust in you, and have compassion towards you when you’re on a roll and when you’re rolling downhill?
What do you hear inside when you’re doing well?
What do you hear inside when it comes to you wanting to stand out and share your gifts?
What happens inside of yourself when you want to stand in your power, and your gifts— yet you fall into the background because you’re scared of rejection?
When you want to go out and enjoy yourself, what’s the guilt or pressure that shows up forcing you to put your rest and recovery on the back burner and get back to work sooner?
are you ready to be free? Or are you fine with how things are right now?
How can you plan to live in your authority when you aren’t 100% secure in who you are despite the wins and losses?
Until you find total security in yourself, you’ll always feel like an imposter.
Never understanding how people see you as a phenomenal leader, while you’re seeing yourself as incompetent.
But this is what second-guessing, doubting, and pulling the rug from up underneath yourself does…
Until you solve these issues at their core, you will never get out of the slump, the stuckness, that keeps you away from showing up with true confidence, restful without guilt, and perfect in your imperfections.
You’re not scaling your business properly if you’re not taking a U-turn to address this
conflict. Which requires you building in time and space to pause, reflect, process, and transform.
You’re probably already hearing that voice of doubt in your ears. Trying yet again to
act out suppressed emotions and internal conflict:
“But I don’t have time for another course— my business needs my attention!”
I get it.
As a woman who’s built multiple businesses herself, I know firsthand how anxious
you feel at the very thought of taking a moment off.
But you have to realize
something very important—
At this point, your business is bigger than just you.
Yes, you still work very hard to keep the pieces moving, but there’s only one way to
know for sure just how much your business can get done without you—
Letting go.
“I’ve done the personal coaching thing before— it never works”
That’s fantastic! You obviously understand the value of mentorship and seeking guidance, which is why you’ll be happy to learn that this isn’t personal coaching.
I’m not here to sit in your corner and get those extra reps out of you. I’m not finding new ways to motivate you into “doing more”. I’m not trying to maximize your performance and time management so you can go out into the world and conquer.
I’m taking you on a journey into your own mind.
Into the dark places that give birth to the negative self-talk that’s kept you anxious, depressed— and ultimately stuck in place.
We’re going to untangle the web of emotions and beliefs that are trapping you at this level and free you to not only greater levels of personal freedom but greater levels of economic freedom too.
Are you ready to be free? Or are you fine with how things are right now? Are you okay with the anxiety? With the constant worrying and self-doubt? With needing to juggle 9 different hats to feel like you’ve done enough? Or are you ready to free yourself to live life the way you imagined your business would let you?
Because if you are ready for that freedom, then I can get you there faster than you could on your own.
Here’s what I came to understand:
You and your business have a parent and child relationship
You’ve done a great job of raising your child, but now you’re afraid to let go and allow your child to do what you’ve prepared them to do.
The cause of this fear is your internal critic.
That voice that’s constantly following your every action and making you shrink internally.
The only way to change this critic is to befriend it.
I’ll help you dive into your own mind, understand your internal critic, befriend it, and learn how to silence and ultimately reprogram it entirely.
Identity and Confidence Building
By transforming this relationship with your internal critic, you’ll be creating an entirely new identity for yourself. One that’s overflowing with confidence and ready to make the leap into true abundance.
Hello, I'm Andrieah
I’m proud to say that so far, I’ve helped dozens of women achieve the internal
freedom they deserve. And that freedom has translated itself into far more financial and time freedom than they could have ever imagined.
My coaching program is designed to be tailored to each individual's unique needs and goals, ensuring that my clients receive personalized support every step of the way. By turning their inner critic into their greatest ally, my clients are empowered to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential.
What You Can Expect From Working Together
Transformation unavoidably takes time, and unfortunately, many of the popular business coaching options, don’t dive deep enough into self-understanding and empathy to be truly transformational.
Sure, a good coach will help you get more done, but often, they won’t help
you fix the negative self-talk, being too hard on yourself, and fear of moving forward. They’ll simply help you hide it away in deeper and darker corners of your mind.
I’ll work with you directly, to get to the root of why these thoughts come up,
and help you overcome them for good.
Sometimes, having a second look at things in our own time is the perfect way to really internalize new guidance. You’ll get access to transcripts and recordings of every session, so you can review them in your own time.
These worksheets are to the point and designed to help you directly apply the guidance of your last session to your upcoming week. To make learning more concrete, and ensure that progress happens every single week.
I’ll give you all of the tools you need to care for yourself the way you actually deserve to be cared for. You’ll get: a journal, pens, a mystery gift, a meditation candle, and a thank you card with a specially curated music playlist.
Don’t worry, this is simply to get a better idea of where exactly you stand. To help us understand exactly what you need to get back to yourself, even if it means getting a therapist on your wellness team. Or, exploring your executive functioning skills that may be causing some challenges in the way you’re experiencing your business.
As hard as it is to believe, you’re not actually a slave to your business. You’ve merely conditioned yourself into the belief that you couldn’t possibly have built something that doesn’t need your direct care or oversight to keep
“I MUST have made mistakes here, right?”
“There’s no way I can take a few hours off a week for myself… right?”
Your business can take care of business, while you take care of yourself.
You’ve been in coaching programs before, masterminds, and mindset groups and you’ve seen it all by now. Which is why you know first-hand that you need something more than a talking head on the other side of the screen. You need someone who’ll help you unwind the ball of yarn in your mind that keeps you stuck, and someone that’ll care enough to make sure you see it through to the end. I’ll be that person for you.